From Kindergarten to High School 12th Grade
Education program covering TED Bodrum College Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and Anatolian High School; It has an integrity and continuity starting from kindergarten to 12th grade. The student-centered program implemented in our school enables students to learn effectively in a multicultural environment. With interdisciplinary studies, projects and research supported by the use of the latest technological possibilities of our age, it is aimed to train students as active individuals of the modern world.
Training the active individuals of the modern world under the enlightening torch of TED.
To become a school that attracts preferences and makes a difference by reason of its approaches to education and training and whose name is well-known at international educational platforms through its implementation of projects.
• Commitment to the Principles of Atatürk and the fundamental attainments of the Democratic Republic,
• Embracement of the mission and vision of the Turkish Education Association,
• Due performance with the consciousness of corporate belonging (responsibility, commitment, and initiative),
• Confidence in the guidance of the mind and science,
• Sensitivity to the society and environment.