The following speech given on November 1st, 1925 at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, by the Great Leader Atatürk, who thought that education was essential for a modern Turkey, sparkled the torch of the Turkish Educational Foundation. “We are still far away from being able to enforce the general will to proceed with science and education. While requesting you the greatest self-sacrifice that can be given as the government for the next year, I strictly advise our wealthy citizens to educate and raise the children that have been given under their protection by their private enterprises.”The Turkish Educational Foundation, as being the first non-governmental organization in the field of education in our country, was founded under the name of the “Turkish Educational Society” on January 31st, 1928. The Society that was established with great sacrifices of the prominent representatives and business people of the Republic of Turkey, was given the status of a Public Benefit Association by Cabinet decision on December 12th 1939. The Society has been named as the Turkish Educational Association (TED) since June 1946.
The main goal of the society, which is stated in its first charter as “The Society doesn’t follow any kind of political purpose but only engages in the education and upbringing of the youth of the country” still survives while the Turkish Educational Foundation continues its works by remaining faithful to this core principle since the day it was founded.
The Turkish Educational Foundation operates today both countrywide and in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with its schools, college, representation offices, think-tank, symphony orchestra, alumni associations, sport clubs and many others.