Guidiance and Counselling
Our Psychological Guidance and Counselling Department that follows developmental and preventive guidance approach, takes children’s personal progress as its elementary objective.Supporting children’s cognitive, emotional, social and physical development processes while encouraging and empowering their personal talents and skills during the Pre-School phase makes the basis of the studies of our Psychological Guidance and Counselling Department.
Counselling Department and their class teachers track our students’ progress in five different progressive fields (linguistics, cognitive, self-care, and motor, social-emotional). The data collected by detailed observation and tracking is shared with parents via student evaluation reports that are prepared during the school term according to students’ age groups and through personal parent meetings. School-maturity practises are performed on our pre-school students to determine if they are ready for the elementary school personality-wise, mentally and physically and the results of these studies are shared with families in the parent meetings during the second semester.
The Counselling Department also shares opinions with parents by seminars, workshops and one-to-one meetings about the attitudes the families should maintain during our students’ progress.